"In my home, very good looking people. But the women are not small. Work very hard. Don't sleep in the middle of the day, at night only. Lots of work, sweeping and cleaning.
If woman doesn't listen, *claps hands together, like washing them of something* divorce.
The first day of marriage is most important. If she doesn't listen first day, she will never listen. *claps hands* Divorce. I tell my woman.
She not goes out, I tell her stay in the house. To her mother's home only, I tell one hour, then come back. Do work in the house.
Most important she respect my mother and father. She no respect my mother and father, *claps hands* divorce. One day my mother wash a dish, I tell wife to get out, send her to her mothers home for three months. Her mother comes to me crying that I take her back. I let her come back but tell her if one more time, *claps hands* divorce.
But I give her anything she wants, I tell her if she respect me, respect my mother and father, then I will respect her.
We must control our women, yes?
Shocking stuff!